The fields below are shown for every medium. Depending on the medium the information can be displayed in a different manner.
type AircraftOutput struct {
// Aircraft Type Designator number, basically the unique identifier of an aircraft
ICAO string
// Callsign or flight name of the aircraft, if not set 'NONE' is used
Callsign string
// Description of the aircraft
Description string
// Type of the aircraft
Type string
// Registration number of the aircraft
Registration string
// Alitude of the aircraft in feet
Altitude float64
// Speed in knots
Speed int
// Distance between the specified location and the location of the aircraft in kilometers
// Height is not taken into consideration
Distance int
// TrackerURL is to URL track the aircraft using the ADS-B website
TrackerURL string
// ImageThumbnailURL is the URL for the thumbnail of the aircraft
ImageThumbnailURL string
// ImageURL is the URL showing more images of the aircraft
ImageURL string
// Percentage of cloud coverage, lower cloud coverage means that you have more chance to spot the aircraft
CloudCoverage int
// Bearing from your location to the aircraft
BearingFromLocation float64
// Bearing from the aircraft to your location
BearingFromAircraft float64
// Heading of the aircraft
Heading float64
// Specifies if it is a military type aircraft or not
Military bool